Reading Lists

Healthcare & Hospital Management

Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care

William S. Sollecito, Julie K. Johnson

Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations

Peter M. Ginter, W. Jack Duncan, Linda E. Swayne

Hospitals, What They Are and How They Work

Donald J. Griffin

Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare

Patricia L. Shaw MEd, Darcy Carter MHA

Race and healthcare

Black Skin, White Masks

Frantz Fanon

Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care.

Dayna Bowen Matthew

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present

Harriet A. Washington

Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination

Alondra Nelson

Nonprofit organization

Forces for Good

Leslie R. Crutchfield, Heather M. Grant

Measuring the Networked Nonprofit

Beth Kanter, Katie Delahaye Paine

The Networked Nonprofit

Beth Kanter, Allison H. Fine

The Little Book of Nonprofit Leadership

Erik Hanberg

Patient engagement

Making the Patient Your Partner

Thomas Gordon Ph.d., W. Sterling Edwards Ph.d.

Motivational Interviewing in Health Care

Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, Christopher C. Butler

Health & Modernity, The Role of Theory in Health Promotion

David V. McQueen


Governing the Commons

Elinor Ostrom

Understanding Institutional Diversity

Elinor Ostrom

Trust and Power

Niklas Luhman

The Evolution of Cooperation

Robert Axelrod